Projects via a 37 Degree Media collaboration


Shane Barnard Law

La Defensa

STEM-OPS is an NSF Alliance working to improve science, technology, engineering, and mathematics learning opportunities in prisons and directly impacted by the carceral system.

Shane Barnard Law a personalized approach to estate and legacy planning

La Defensa is leading the movement to decarcerate the largest jail population in the United States–the LA County jail system.

*La Defensa has a new design

We met Jon through The Last Mile at San Quentin, and we were really excited to see him develop his vision of a company that prioritized the employment of designers and developers post incarceration. We worked with Jon and his team to create a complicated National Science Foundation-funded STEM Opportunities in Prison Settings (STEM-OPS) project website. Jon was responsive and receptive to our ideas and revisions, and the 37DM team also gave alternative ideas that could work better to accommodate our goals.
Eden Badertscher
Principal research scientist at EDC